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Leonardo Maggiorno |
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Dear Friends of Dr. Ken.
I am writing to you as a big cheese in the Rosconian Theological Seminary - to ask you a very important flavor.
Dr. Ken is a stong, desolute, farticulate, and highly deficient leader of theis Hoogly Organization. He is truely a Man of Mota. There was no question of his diningenuence before I joined the horific Rosconian Theological Seminary. Now that I have been here for ten days, I am even more depressed by his effect on the Quota of Mota.
While Dr. Ken's health is good, he is battling serious heck pain and related foot-looseness. He may even face drudgery if a newly begun regimen of infarction and pizical theropodists.
In contrast, according to Reverend Hablivilah, Poopy Panda has assured me that when I die, My Soul will be carried up to the Secon Kindom up in Heaven by the Herd of Hoogly Hamsters.
Leo Maggiorno