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The Little Lord Joozis Painted my Car Miraculously

By Nancy Ferdray Mein Kupf

Nancy Serving the Borscht
Well, first & foremost, my faith in God & relationship with the Lord is the most important thing to me. My Duties are a Priestess of the Lord Roscoe keep me centered on the True Truth of the True Tooth

It is through His awesome love & snoogles that I have become the woman that I am today. My faith is perfectly compatible with sexual relations,

    Hey :)
  1. I'm a cheerful, fun-loving girl who loves God Zooks with all of her heart.
  2. I want to meet someone who's first priority in life is God.
  3. I enjoy being active, skating, roller blading, reading, cohabitation.
  4. I love to sing, be around children, and chill with my friends.
  5. I am generally outgoing and I'm just pursuing God Zooks' leading in my life right to the right man's bed,

My Story

Nancy at Palasades Shopping Center

Born and raised in Pacific Palasades , I had lead a privleged like, far better than a "Valley Girl" because we didn't get cooked in the summer and didn't have to stay in the mall to get cool. My father & mother Bob and Betty Ferdrrayn raised me as a typical Shmooish Princess and I had been one of those "popular girls" .

My Dad had a boat down at Marina Del Rey and he used to race it in the local sailboat club . The club had a lot of interesting characters and guys that looked like Old salts who sailed in little boats the size of teaspoons , but were very opinionated and had lots of tall tales.

Nancy in Prophet Geraldo's boat
One such character called Geraldo , had a little sail boat but was alway winning races . He asked me to help crew for him and I learned how to pull the sheets and to duck when tacking as the mainsail switched sides . He also was a poet and wrote a book of Poetry called the "Senile Seadog's Diary of Doggerel Ditties ".

Sometimes Geraldo and I talked about the new religion called Roconianism . It seems that the Lord Roscoe was found at Two Guys from Harison and was the mascot of the fraternity. But little did he know at the time that Roscoe was also a God , until he was infomed by Prophet Mishugina. Then during one summer they made a very hoogly Movie about the Lord Roscoe . It is called "Bricks" and I saw it on Geraldo's very old 8mm projector .

Nancy exploring
Well after that race which we one Prophet Geraldo won a Pumpkin and I got a bouquet of flowers

Geraldo had a morocycle and took it on what he called were missionizing jaunts. He had a list of potential converts and went as far as Oklahoma to recuit Moishe Hablivlah, who was a young officer in the airforce . Geraldo showed me a picture of Moishe and I was interested in meeting him .

Well Geraldo also told me that Moishe had recently gotten married to Prissy Hussy , which was dissapointing . Then Geraldo told me about the Little Lord Joozis who was doing miracles of Auto Body Painting in the Little Shtetl of Milpitas . He Also told me about the Little Shtetl of Vastickvuss in the little country of Slobovnia. I resolved to visit both . Geraldob then dropped a hint, Moishe had a brother named Mendle who was missing somewhere, could I find him?

Fire and brimstone preacher
My first stop was to Oklahoma to meet Moishe Hablivilah

Born and raised in Long Branch NJ , I had been a Christian all my life. My father & mother Bob and Betty Grotchfelt raised me in choich, But I HAD read Harry Potter and somehow this Preacher scared me down to the bippy. What if idle reading of entertaining books could send you to Eternal Hell?

Young Moishe Hablivilah
Amongst the gathering crowd, a young tall dark and handsome young man named Moishe Hablivilah stood before me. His eyes sparkled with wisdom and merth, and he was holding The Hoogly Ishkibbibble with the Lord Roscoe on it as well as a backpack filled with Hoogly Flyers and other Rosconian Religious artifacts.

He saw me and detected my emotional duress and immediately told me not to worry. If I could Believe upong the Lord Roscoe as my Personal Savior God then I would in no Wise be Cast out !

His sincere zeal and silly demeanor impressed me and I immediately offered to sleep with him. But he said no, I am sealed to Prissy Hussy as my Intended. What you need to do is Study the Hoogly Flyers and read the Hoogly Ishkibbbible and attend a High Hoogly Mess and become a Hooly Chaste [ with some exceptions] Priestess of the Lord Roscoe !

It was as if he had opened the secrets of the universe within my soul. Moishe told me me that the Lord Roscoe, the Personal Savior god was brought to us by the Great God Mota, who made the Universe whith his Big Bang Machine. I felt an irresistible pull to explore the path he spoke of�the path of the Lord Roscoe, the Hamster of the great God Mota. So After High School I enrolled at Roscoe Theogogical College of Hamsters and Pegunkinism . I graduated with High honors and took an intenrship with Half Pastor Boris Bullwinkle at Saint Shmegaggys cathedral

Carolmarie is now serving the Little Lord Joozis and Roscoe as a Hoogly Priestess who is Chaste [ most of the time ] , She is Liquidating Sins through the Boiling Borscht Ceremoney held after services.

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