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The Bissle of Peddiddle to the Rombanians

Chopter 1

1) This here bissle is from Peddiddle, Prophet of Mota, Poopy Panda and the Lord Roscoe. I bid your stocks up higher and your investments in the Lord Roscoe Savings bank bear many soulful dividends.

2) Now Joozis, who is the true Son of Zambini the Plumber and Mavis the Para-legal has many Papashkies and Bonds of Poopy Panda forthwith, And hath planted many seeds of Mary and Jane here there and about.

3) And they that burn incense of Mary and Jane be Woozy and Spacy.

4) And he hath power according to Pacific Gas and Electric Company, many Kilowatts according to Sir James and Thomas Alva.

5) By listening to Records, Tapes, and CDs, we have received Gracy Slick and have become hard of hearing. So to them that are hard of hearing, send FAXes and Video Tapes.

6) Among ye, I have many been called Jeez fer Joozis:

7) To All that be in the Room of the Rombanians, created of Mota and endeavoring of filling of the Quota, heeding the call of Poopy Panda who says in his lovable growly voice Poop, Poop, Poopy, and receiving the love of the Lord Roscoe and contemplating the sleeping Roscoe and the Shlepping of the Mother of the Little Lord Joozis.

8) First, I thank ye for sending money for the Great Works of Roscoe. These Great Works have be spoken of throughout all the faithful and to those that wear the 37 purple ropes and who were where the action was. Beware of the false wares of Snerd lochinvars and render not to them Papishkies.

9) For Roscoe is my witness, for whom I have served spirits in honor of the Gungle of Joozis, and have invested in the true stock options of Mota, both the puts and the calls.

10) And if you send enough money I will visit you by private airplane, piloted by me after you pay for my flight lessons and gasoline.

11) And I will come bearing many gifts and certificates of remission of sin and intromission to the temple of the most high.

12) That is if you send enough money for Mota to Fill the Quota.

13) And if you send money you may be assured that it is recorded in the Book of Blipsky and the Herd of Hamsters will hear of it.

Chopter 2

1) Therefore if ye Judgeth, Judgeth not Judgingly, but Judgfully and Judiciously.

2) But we are sure that the Judgment of Hoogly Mota is true against the DON'T BLEEVERS and the SIGNERS and those that follow SNERD and SNIDELY WHIPLASH.

3) And thinkest thou this that Judgement shall not follow ye if ye Judge them Junkfully without Jugs of Papishkies?

4) Now they who will render the Moose Turds and the Bull Puckey and the Hockey Puckey and have not Garage Keys will not see true repentance lest they turn from their evil ways.

5) To whom, who hath devised inventions and hath received patents, let no man steal without payment of royalty.

6) And to they that seek immortality to them I give Bupkes and aluminum cans and zinc ointment with benzalkonium cloride.

7) Tri-angulation and Tri-lateralization shall follow them all their days. If they are an hungered go to the Jew and Gentile Deli run by Ornamentals and serving Kosher style and chaimish food with pickles and pastrami.

8) But Gloryosky, honor, and bagels, to every man that worketh and go to the the deli-Katz-tessin. And smoked salmon and cream cheese on Bagels also.

9) For as many hath sined without the cordic shall not have sined has much as those that hath cordic and sined and arc sined.

10) For the circumscription is by construction and he that hath not circumscribed, shall not the the judges be impressed and sharpen their protractors and cuspadors.

11) And shall those that are un-circus scribed by lack of tri-angles or by lack of suitable polygons have their Bupkes fed to pollywogs? And the the pollywogs shall change into frogs forthwith and shall eat of the Bupkes Flies.

12) But he that hath hats doth circumscribe them with emblems and signs, such as: Catipillar or John Deere.

13) And thou shall circumscribe the fringes of your Hammen-tashen while eating and not gobble then in one gulp for it is unseeming and crummy.

14) And for the greater Gloryosky of Poopy Panda, watch the whales as they pass by Maui, saying in a clear voice Wowy.

Chopter 3

1) Of what prophet hath the mathematician, and of the circumscription thereof?

2) Very much, for the un-mathematical don't know which way is up, nor do they have eigenvalues.

3) Shall those that hath no math be advanced? Hoogly Sega Genesis! Gloryosky be to Mota!

4) Hoogly Mota Forbid: For then how shall Mota measure the Universe; before or after the Big Bang.?

5) For in truth hath not the scientists found that the galaxies doth depart in a Hubble sort of way! And the Big Bang doth shine on harvest moon and summer sun at 3 degrees Kelvin.

6) For numbers hath a way of creeping up on ye if ye not be careful.

7) Therefore we conclude that circumscription is necessary for salivation.

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