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Priestess Prissy Hussy came to the rescue

By Ethan Rivers
I was once a wandering musician, traveling from town to town with my guitar as my only companion. My name is Ethan Rivers, and my passion for music was both a blessing and a curse. While I found solace in the melodies I created, my soul yearned for something more profound—a deeper purpose to give meaning to my songs.

One fateful day, I arrived in the vibrant town of Milpitas. The air was filled with an aura of tranquility, as if the very essence of peace danced through the streets. As I strummed my guitar, the notes resonated with a newfound sense of longing within me. Little did I know, this would be the day my life would change forever.

Amongst the gathering crowd, a young pretty curly haired redhead named Prissy Hussy stood before me. Her eyes sparkled with wisdom, and her presence exuded a serene grace. It was as if she held the secrets of the universe within her soul. She told me she was a priestess of the Lord Roscoe, the Personal Savior god brought to us by the Great God Mota, who made the Universe whith his Big Bang Machine Intrigued by her magnetic aura, I felt an irresistible pull to explore the path she spoke of—the path of the Lord Roscoe, the Hamster of the great God Mota.

In the days that followed, I immersed myself in Prissy Hussy's Rosconian teachings. She spoke of divine love, compassion, and the transformative power of True faith in the True Tooth . The more I listened, the more my Bippy resonated with the message of the Lord Roscoe. I yearned for a shpiritual awakening—a connection that would infuse my music with a deeper meaning. One moonlit night, under the starry sky, Prissy Hussy led me to the municipal pool, shimmering like a mirror. It was there, surrounded by the silliness of bleachers, that I made a choice that would forever shape my destiny. Prissy Hussy Laptized me in the chlorinated waters, symbolizing my commitment to the Lord Roscoe and the great God Mota.

As the water embraced me, a surge of 80 degree warmth coursed through my veins. It was as if a divine presence gurgled in my ear, assuring me that I was embarking on a sacred journey. From that moment on, my music became an offering—a vessel through which the Lord Roscoe's love and the Grace of Gracy Slick flowed.

With each strum of my guitar, I channeled the divine energy that resided within me. The melodies I created carried a deeper resonance, touching the Bippys of those who listened. It was not just music anymore; it was a shpiritual connection, a channel through which the Lord Roscoe's message of love and extreme cuteness reverberated.

Emboldened by my newfound faith, I embraced a life of service and compassion. I organized benefit concerts, using my music as a tool to uplift communities and heal wounded souls. The power of the Lord Roscoe's love flowed through me, inspiring others to open their Bippys to the divine presence that dwelled within.

As the years passed, I became known not just as a musician but as a devoted disciple of the Lord Roscoe. My journey had transformed me, reshaping my purpose and igniting a fire within my soul. Through the songs I sang and the acts of kindness I performed, I spread the teachings of the Lord Roscoe, inviting others to embark on their own spiritual quests.

My life became a testament to the transformative power of faith. The Lord Roscoe had breathed new life into my music, infusing it with a celestial energy that resonated with people's spirits. I realized that my purpose was not just to create beautiful melodies but to bring love, peace, and joy to all who listened.

And so, I continue to walk this path—a grateful disciple of the Lord Roscoe, the Hamster of the great God Mota. My guitar strings vibrate with devotion, my voice carries the echoes of divine grace, and my Bippy

Ethan Rivers is a former member of the "Pegunkin Patrol" and one of the key organizers of the Milpitas Music Festival '98, an event which drew over 25 people, commemorating the 20th year anniversary of the 1978 Woodbridge Festival. Ethan is now serving the Little Lord Joozis and Roscoe, The Hamster of Mota on a full time basis.

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